Funding News & General Resources
Below you will find articles and press releases about historic and cultural funding news, restoration efforts across the United States, financial resources, and information of interest to the historic preservation and cultural resources community.
We have also collected the best general resources that will assist you in learning more about national funding programs (with some great programs in Canada, too!). There is information on working with the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, to name a few.
Funding In The News
Below are links to recent news articles related to financial resources and funding sources for historic preservation, building restoration, cultural resource preservation, and the arts. Topics include: tax credit information; grants, loans and other financial services; historic preservation successes and threats; and work-training and educational program announcements and information.
New links to articles added multiple times weekly!
We are happy to announce a limited reduction in the yearly membership rate for our partner site,, through this Sunday! Fees for the one-year (365 days) membership will be reduced to $65/year (regularly $85/year) when you use the promo code FEB2025 at checkout through Sunday, February 16th, 2025...Posted:2/12/ /
"The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund has several upcoming grant opportunities..."Posted:2/10/2025Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) has announced more than $43 million in awards to help transform 10 underutilized historic buildings. The awards were made through the Historic Preservation Tax Credit program..."Posted:2/9/2025Source:Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA)
"D.C.’s historic preservation initiatives preserve the city’s architectural legacy and protect cultural landmarks. But what happens when the resulting rise in housing costs threatens to displace long-time residents of historic neighborhoods..."Posted:2/6/2025Source:The Wash (American University School of Communication)
"This week legislation was introduced in the House and Senate that severely undermines the Antiquities Act of 1906. The Ending Presidential Overreach on Public Lands Act (S. 220, H.R. 521) would eliminate the presidential authority to designate and expand National Monuments under the Antiquities Act, instead giving Congress sole authority to establish National Monuments..."Posted:2/4/2025Source:Preservation Action
"For more than three decades, the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) has successfully implemented a national policy of preserving our historic resources. It is the most significant investment the federal government makes toward historic preservation..."Posted:2/4/2025Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"We need your help to protect the federal Historic Tax Credit and enact long overdue changes to improve and modernize the credit. With a series of tax provisions expiring at the end of the year, one of the top priorities of Congress and the White House will be passing a large tax package. This provides a huge opportunity to enact much-needed changes to make the Historic Tax Credit even more effective..."Posted:2/3/2025Source:Preservation Action
"This week legislation was introduced in the House and Senate that severely undermines the Antiquities Act of 1906. The Ending Presidential Overreach on Public Lands Act (S. 220, H.R. 521) would eliminate the presidential authority to designate and expand National Monuments under the Antiquities Act, instead giving Congress sole authority to establish National Monuments..."Posted:2/2/2025Source:Preservation Action
"The National Fund for Sacred Places provides matching grants of $50,000 to $500,000 to congregations undertaking significant capital projects at historic houses of worship, along with wraparound services including training, technical assistance, and planning support..."Posted:1/29/2025Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"Preservation Action is teaming up with the Historic Tax Credit Coalition and other partners to strengthen and defend the Historic Tax Credit in 2025..."Posted:1/28/2025Source:Preservation Action
"This week the California State Park's Office of Historic Preservation announced they would officially start accepting applications for the state's historic tax credit program on Jan. 6th. This marks the start of the credit that was signed into law in 2019. The program provides a 20% tax credit for qualified rehabilitation expenses (or 25% credit if the structure meets specified criteria)..."Posted:1/16/2025Source:Preservation Action
"I have been frustrated that we have to go to so many places to search for resources. Also, I am getting emails of great resources that I want to share (and thanks to all of you for sending those out!). There are some great resources online, but I could not find one place to see them all..."Posted:1/15/2025Source:Pasadena Heritage
"Our partner organization, LA Conservancy, developed a partial list of historical landmarks affected by the Palisades and Eaton fires. You can view the list here. You can find resources for historic property and legacy business owners impacted by the wildfires on the same page..."Posted:1/15/2025Source:Santa Monica Conservancy
"The developers of the historic Central City firehouse on Louisiana Avenue say the tax credit was critical to securing the funding needed for their project..."Posted:1/13/2025Source:4WWL
"Since 1988, the National Trust for Historic Preservation has been naming America’s most endangered historic places, attracting much-needed awareness and funding.."Posted:1/12/2025Source:Smithsonian Magazine
"As Congress considers disaster relief legislation following the devastation caused by Hurricanes Milton and Helene, Preservation Action along with several preservation partners are urging Congress to support the rehabilitation of significant historic properties impacted by these deadly storms. Thousands of historic properties were damaged, flooded, or destroyed across the Southeast. Preserving these historic resources is essential to safeguarding our cultural heritage and maintaining the unique character of these communities..."Posted:1/11/2025Source:Preservation Action
"Rep. Seth Magaziner (D-RI) recently introduced H.R. 10116 is the House that would direct the Secretary of the Interior to submit a report to Congress on the interpretation and application of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation pertaining to the federal Historic Tax Credit..."Posted:1/10/2025Source:Preservation Action
"Governor Wes Moore today announced $20 million in historic revitalization tax credits through the Maryland Historical Trust. Leveraging more than $108 million in additional investment, the 10 projects that received funding include affordable housing, makerspaces, and facilities that serve communities..."Posted:1/9/2025Source:The Office of Governor Wes Moore
"Today, Latinos in Heritage Conservation (LHC) announced the launch of its inaugural grant program—the first of its kind to exclusively fund Latinx heritage and historic preservation projects. With $600,000 in annual funding available, this groundbreaking initiative seeks to empower grassroots, Latinx-focused nonprofit organizations and community groups dedicated to protecting and uplifting Latinx history and cultural contributions across the United States..."Posted:1/9/2025Source:Latinos in Heritage Conservation
General Funding Resources
Below is a short list of agencies, organizations and resources that can provide general information about financial resources for historic preservation, cultural resource management, and the arts.
National Park Service:
- Technical Preservation Services
- Tax Incentives for Preserving Historic Properties
- Historic Preservation Tax Incentives
- 20% Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
- State, Tribal, and Local Plans and Grants
- National Register of Historic Places
- Technical Preservation Services Publications
*Please note: The National Park Service frequently changes the URLs for their resources. Please alert us if you find a broken link. You can also do a web search by looking up the name of the resource listed above, as the resource most likely is still online (just in a new location).
National Trust for Historic Preservation:
- African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
- Find Preservation Funding
- The National Main Street Center
- National Fund for Sacred Places
- Historic Tax Credits
Partners for Sacred Places:
Tax Credits & Incentives:
- See resources under "National Park Service" listed above
- Rehabilitation Tax Credit (Historic Preservation) FAQs (Internal Revenue Service)
- Rehabilitation Tax Credit - Real Estate Tax Tips (Internal Revenue Service)
- Rehabilitation Tax Credit PDF (Internal Revenue Service)
- Historic Preservation Tax Credits 101 (Heritage Ohio)
- Historic Preservation Tax Credits 201 (Heritage Ohio)
- Historic Tax Credit: Mini Edition (YouTube Presentation by Preservation Buffalo Niagara)
Preservation Easement Programs:
- Easements to Protect Historic Properties: A Useful Historic Preservation Tool with Potential Tax Benefits, prepared by the National Park Service, Technical Preservation Services
- Establishing and Operating an Easement Program to Protect Historic Resources by Elizabeth Watson and Stefan Nagel, updated by Julia H. Miller and Ross M. Bradford, with contributions by Thompson Mayes
Building Arts & Traditional Building Resources:
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation: Traditional Trades Training Programs & Resources
- National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (National Park Service)
Arts Funding:
- Americans for the Arts: Funding Resources
- Grantmakers in the Arts
- National Endowment for the Arts: How the US Funds the Arts
Canada: General Funding Resources:
- National Trust for Canada: Regeneration Works - Find Funding
- National Trust for Canada
- The Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals
*Please note: The database doesn't currently include resources for Canada, but we did want to provide some general resources to assist our friends to the North!