Funding News & General Resources

Below you will find articles and press releases about historic and cultural funding news, restoration efforts across the United States, financial resources, and information of interest to the historic preservation and cultural resources community.

We have also collected the best general resources that will assist you in learning more about national funding programs (with some great programs in Canada, too!). There is information on working with the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, to name a few.

Funding In The News

Below are links to recent news articles related to financial resources and funding sources for historic preservation, building restoration, cultural resource preservation, and the arts. Topics include: tax credit information; grants, loans and other financial services; historic preservation successes and threats; and work-training and educational program announcements and information.

New links to articles added multiple times weekly!

View the "Funding in the News" Archives - our collection of past articles and news items covering financial resources for historic and cultural resource preservation.

General Funding Resources

Below is a short list of agencies, organizations and resources that can provide general information about financial resources for historic preservation, cultural resource management, and the arts.

For access to the over 10,000 programs listed in the comprehensive funding database on, please consider a monthly or yearly membership.

National Park Service:

*Please note: The National Park Service frequently changes the URLs for their resources. Please alert us if you find a broken link. You can also do a web search by looking up the name of the resource listed above, as the resource most likely is still online (just in a new location).

National Trust for Historic Preservation:

Partners for Sacred Places:

Tax Credits & Incentives:

Preservation Easement Programs:

Building Arts & Traditional Building Resources:

Arts Funding:

Canada: General Funding Resources:

*Please note: The database doesn't currently include resources for Canada, but we did want to provide some general resources to assist our friends to the North!

For access to the over 10,000 programs listed in the comprehensive funding database on, please consider a monthly or yearly membership.