Funding In The News > Archives
Below is our archives of past articles, press releases, and other news items regarding historic and cultural funding sources. Articles include information about
financial resources for historic and cultural resource preservation, tax credit news, restoration and revitalization projects, and much more!
Previously published resources are kept here for your reference (note: some articles may be outdated and deadlines for funding noted may have expired).
"NPS manages over 26,000 historic structures, and Park Service archivists are responsible for nearly 185 million historic artifacts and objects. However, due to Congress' inadequate budgets, NPS has consistently prioritized natural resources management over cultural resources management..."Posted:7/23/2024Source:National Parks Conservation Association
"While there has been much anxiety about the potential implications of this decision by the Supreme Court, federal historic preservation law is likely to be less threatened than other arenas, for several reasons. First, the regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act have been specifically upheld by the courts, and the new Supreme Court decision states, “we do not call into question prior cases” that upheld agency actions and regulations..."Posted:7/22/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"Join us for the PastForward National Preservation Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 28-30, 2024. PastForward 2024 will kick off a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the evolving practice of preservation in one of the country’s most historic cities..."Posted:7/21/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"House Bill 2358 would raise the annual limit of the Historic Preservation Tax Credit from the current $5 million to a new cap of $20 million, starting in 2025.“Pennsylvania’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program not only helps rehabilitate and preserve the structures that tell the tale of our commonwealth’s rich history, but it also generates positive economic impact by helping turn those structures into income-producing properties,” Prokopiak said..."Posted:7/19/2024Source:PA House of Reps.
"The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance ruled last month that the $5 million cap on the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit (HTC) applies on a per-structure basis. The state issued a technical memorandum noting that requiring multiple structures be submitted on one application is "irrelevant." The department relies on the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) to determine separate historic structures eligible for the credit..."Posted:7/18/2024Source:Novogradac
"This week Preservation Action joined a sign-on letter alongside a diverse group of more than 100 organizations urging Congress to support for the Cultural Resources Challenge Act (H.R. 7936). As noted in the letter, this important bill aims to address the urgent needs of our nation's cultural heritage sites, including national parks, monuments, and artifacts that tell the story of our diverse history. The letter, led by the National Parks Conservation Association, was sent to congressional offices this week..."Posted:7/18/2024Source:Preservation Action
"Pennsylvania’s historic preservation tax credit program has an annual cap of $5 million. Legislation moving through Harrisburg would change that..."Posted:7/17/2024Source:WHYY
"The Historic Tax Credit Coalition and National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC) hosted their annual Historic Tax Credit advocacy day earlier this month, coinciding with the IPED Historic Tax Credit Summit..."Posted:7/16/2024Source:Preservation Action
"This year 93 bipartisan Senators and Representatives, representing 34 different states and territories, signed on to the FY25 House Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) Dear Colleague letter and the FY25 Senate HPF Dear Colleague letter. The letters requested $225 million in funding for the Historic Preservation Fund, the same level Preservation Action advocated for during Historic Preservation Advocacy Week, including much-needed increases for State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices and critically important competitive grant programs..."Posted:7/16/2024Source:Preservation Action
"In each Transitions section of Preservation magazine, we highlight places of local and national importance that have recently been restored, are currently threatened, have been saved from demolition or neglect, or have been lost. Here are five from Spring 2024..."Posted:7/15/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Ohio Department of Development Director Lydia Mihalik today announced that the state is supporting 35 projects to preserve dozens of historic buildings across Ohio..."Posted:7/13/2024Source:Office of Governor DeWine
"It’s a time to honor the efforts both big and small to preserve historical spaces that have built and shaped our communities. In Atlanta, there have been ongoing battles fighting gentrification in historic neighborhoods..."Posted:7/10/2024Source:Atlanta News First
"The National Park Service announced they are now accepting applications for the Underrepresented Communities grant program, which is works towards diversifying listings on the National Register of Historic Places and the African American Civil Rights grant program, which preserves sites and stories that help tell the long struggle for African American civil rights..."Posted:7/9/2024Source:Preservation Action
"On behalf of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), Chair Sara C. Bronin has called on Congress to reject provisions in 15 bills that would exempt certain types of infrastructure projects from review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act..."Posted:7/8/2024Source:Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)
"In 2018, the Heurich House Museum in Washington, D.C., received a grant from the National Trust to collaborate with engineer and architect Michael Henry on creating a heritage building reinvestment model. The idea—one Henry has been teaching his students at the University of Pennsylvania for years—is that, like condominium associations do with reserve studies, the owners of historic structures should plan for the costs of their long-term conservation needs..."Posted:7/7/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"With a boost from public incentives, including state historic tax credits, the former Plattsmouth High School built more than a century ago is now fully transformed into an apartment building that has been brimming since March with residents..."Posted:7/2/2024Source:Nebraska Examiner
"Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) recently introduced the Cultural Resources Challenges Act (H.R. 7936). This bill would provide an additional $250 million in funding for historic and cultural resources at the National Park Service, address staff shortages, and direct NPS to develop curriculum to provide training for cultural resource protection and management..."Posted:7/2/2024Source:Preservation Action
"Legislation to extend the Colorado state historic tax credit (HTC), among other changes to the incentive’s provisions, was signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Jared Polis. H.B. 1314 extends the expiration date of the credit from Dec. 31, 2029, to Dec. 31, 2036..."Posted:7/1/2024Source:Novogradac
"Historic Hotels of America®, an official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, is pleased to announce The 2024 Top 25 Historic Hotels of America Best of Adaptive Reuse list. A popular and creative approach to historic preservation, “adaptive reuse” saves unused historic buildings from demolition by rehabilitating and renovating them for a new purpose..."Posted:7/1/2024Source:Historic Hotels of America®
"The National Park Service is currently accepting applications for $5 million in History of Equal Rights grants. Funded through the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), this grant program helps preserve sites related to the struggle to achieve equal rights for all Americans..."Posted:6/27/2024Source:Preservation Action
"The NYSCA/GHHN Conservation Grant Program: Conservation Treatment is a partnership of the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and GHHN that provides support for treatment procedures to aid in stabilizing and preserving objects held in collections of museums, historical, and cultural organizations in New York State..."Posted:6/26/2024Source:Greater Hudson Heritage Network
"The Preservation Alliance of West Virginia is proud to introduce the first four recipients of the newly established Fund for Historic Schools Grant, as well as four recipients of Saving Historic Places Grants..."Posted:6/26/2024Source:Preservation Alliance of West Virginia
"The Waterfront Historic Area LeaguE (WHALE) is the 2023 recipient of the Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence, which recognizes a nonprofit organization, large or small, that has demonstrated sustained and superlative achievement in historic preservation..."Posted:6/25/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"A group of bipartisan Ohio lawmakers are working to preserve historic structures and landmarks. Ohio House lawmakers, Bob Peterson (R-Sabina) and Joe Miller (D-Amherst), along with Theresa Gavarone (R-Bowling Green) and Hearcel Craig (D-Columbus) from the Ohio Senate, formed the Ohio Historic Preservation Caucus. The group first met last week at the Ohio History Center..."Posted:6/24/2024Source:WOSU 89.7 NPR News, By Allie Vugrincic
"The 1772 Foundation has announced that grant funding will be made available for historic properties redevelopment programs throughout the United States..."Posted:6/21/2024Source:The 1772 Foundation
"The highly anticipated announcement of the 10 Most Endangered Historic Sites is finally here, bringing attention to the preservation and protection of these invaluable cultural treasures..."Posted:6/20/2024Source:Preservation New Jersey
"Are you interested in joining a pro-active and dedicated team of preservationists, historians, and archaeologists? In this Historic Preservation Specialist role, you will specialize in our online data management and cultural resources GIS tool, the Pennsylvania's State Historic and Archaeological Resource Exchange (PA-SHARE)..."Posted:6/20/2024Source:Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
"What would America be without the Black church? For generations, historic Black churches have served as beacons of hope, progress and reform in America. To honor and protect this legacy, the National Trust's African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund has invested $4 million in grants to 31 historic Black churches across the United States, acknowledging these institutions' widespread impact on society..."Posted:6/19/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"The National Park Service (NPS) today announced the distribution of $62.15 million in Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grants to historic preservation offices in states, territories, the District of Columbia, and partnering nations, and $23 million to Tribal historic preservation offices..."Posted:6/18/2024Source:National Park Service
"Historic properties can be made more sustainable, energy-efficient, and resilient, improving their performance and use while also preserving their historic character. Doing so not only improves their efficiency and livability but helps to ensure their long-term preservation as well..."Posted:6/17/2024Source:National Park Service
"Main Street America is proud to recognize NewTown Macon in Macon, Georgia, Madison Main Street Programin Madison, Indiana, and Monroeville Main Street in Monroeville, Alabama, as the 2024 Great American Main Street Award winners. This prestigious award is the nation’s top honor recognizing communities for their excellence in comprehensive preservation-based commercial district revitalization..."Posted:6/16/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"The Vermont Division for Historic Preservation and the Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation are pleased to announce the 2024 Barn Preservation Grant awardees. This year, the program will award $350,235 to fund 20 preservation projects in eleven Vermont counties. These grants will leverage $1 million in restoration and rehabilitation efforts..."Posted:6/13/2024Source:Vermont Business Magazine
“Pennsylvania is home to some of the country’s most historical and beautiful communities, but with them come the high costs of renovation of older buildings,” he said. “Many of these buildings lack accessibility and weren’t built to meet modern building codes. With this grant program we will support reinvestment in our downtowns, assist with community revitalization, preserve historic properties and neighborhood character, and create jobs.”Posted:6/12/2024Source:PA House of Reps
"The Virginia Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit (HRTC) program (see Virginia Code § 58.1-339.2) has played a significant role in stimulating Virginia’s economy and preserving thousands of historic properties throughout the Commonwealth. Developers may use this credit to reimburse up to 25% of their eligible rehabilitation expenses against income taxes, insurance premium taxes, or bank franchise taxes. When combined with the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit of 20%, developers..."Posted:6/12/2024Source:JD Supra, LLC
"Many developers are familiar with the challenges when using historic tax credits (HTCs) to preserve America’s history, including issues such as climbing interest rates, rising insurance rates and increasing costs of construction and labor. In this week’s episode of the Novogradac Tax Credit Tuesday podcast, Michael Novogradac, CPA, and John DeJovine, CPA, discuss gap financing solutions for developers involved in historic preservation..."Posted:6/11/2024Source:Michael J. Novogradac
"Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that 11 projects have been recognized as a part of the 2024 New York State Historic Preservation Awards. Projects highlighted at this year's awards include an ambitious neighborhood rehabilitation effort in Newburgh, the restoration of an iconic candy shop in Buffalo, and the scholarship and preservation of Puerto Rican casitas in New York City..."Posted:6/11/2024Source:Office of Governor Kathy Hochul
"The National Park Service today awarded $23.4 million to 39 projects in 16 states and the District of Columbia as part of the Historic Preservation Fund’s African American Civil Rights grant program, which focuses on the preservation of sites and stories directly associated with the struggle of African Americans to gain equal rights..."Posted:6/11/2024Source:National Park Service
"The modification of HB 2062 increases HTC from 25% to 35% in qualified counties outside of the City of St. Louis and Kansas City. Additionally, for those 35% projects, all pre-application costs for stabilization and investigative assessments (not to exceed 10% of QRE) will count towards HTC..."Posted:6/10/2024Source:Ben Cleveland, S. Shawn Whitney Polsinelli; JD Supra, LLC
"The Essex National Heritage Commission (Essex Heritage), in keeping with its long tradition of supporting the region’s unique cultural heritage, announced the 2024 Essex Heritage Partnership Grant Program recipients..."Posted:6/9/2024Source:Essex Heritage
"Since 2020, Preservation Massachusetts has worked in partnership with The 1772 Foundation, to provide grant funding for historic buildings in Massachusetts. The Historic Preservation Matching Grant Program is a 1:1 matching grant of up to $10,000 for exterior work on historic properties owned or leased by non-profit organizations..."Posted:6/8/2024Source:Preservation Massachusetts
“The Historic Development Grant program assists in preserving and revitalizing some of Tennessee’s most historic and notable buildings so that they once again have the opportunity to serve as a hub for commerce and tourism,” said TNECD Commissioner Stuart C. McWhorter. “I congratulate the communities receiving funding through the latest round of the program and thank the Tennessee Historical Commission for their partnership...”Posted:6/5/2024Source:Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development
"The Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor has launched the Mohawk Valley Historic Revitalization Grant Program to support capital improvements for historic properties in rural communities within the Mohawk Valley in Herkimer and Montgomery counties. Funding is available to private, public, and nonprofit owners of National Register listed historic properties and properties that contribute to a listed historic district..."Posted:6/3/2024Source:My Little Falls
"This week Preservation Action submitted comments in support of efforts to improve and modernize the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) to the House Ways and Means Committee in response to a recent hearing on "Expanding on the Success of the 2017 Tax Relief to Help Hardworking Americans". The hearing looked at the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and discussed the path forward for tax policy in 2025..."Posted:6/2/2024Source:Preservation Action
"Today, Virginia Humanities, the state humanities council, announced $274,748 in grants to 30 nonprofit organizations across the Commonwealth. Since 1974, Virginia Humanities has been awarding grants to support projects that explore the stories of Virginia—its history, people, communities, and cultural traditions..."Posted:5/28/2024Source:Virginia Humanities
"Today, the Biden administration announced awards for the $20 billion dollar Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The National Trust for Historic Preservation, with our subsidiaries the National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC) and Main Street America (MSA), and our partners at Smart Growth America, led a successful campaign to ensure these funds could be used to support decarbonizing adaptive reuse in communities across America..."Posted:5/27/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"A proposed tax credit to maintain historical barns is gaining support in the Pennsylvania Senate and elsewhere. Sen. Lisa Baker, R-Luzerne, said April 5 that she would introduce legislation creating a tax credit program for the preservation of barns at least 50 years old. The program will have a 10-year sunset provision..."Posted:5/26/2024Source:Tom Venesky, Lancaster Farming
"New York is offering a financial incentive to help owners of old barns afford repairs. In 2021, the New York Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation launched the Historic Barn Rehabilitation Tax Credit program, which covers 25% of the costs to restore or repair a barn..."Posted:5/23/2024Source:Tom Venesky, Lancaster Farming
"Today, the Biden administration announced awards for the $20 billion dollar Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The National Trust for Historic Preservation, with our subsidiaries the National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC) and Main Street America (MSA), and our partners at Smart Growth America, led a successful campaign to ensure these funds could be used to support decarbonizing adaptive reuse in communities across America..."Posted:5/22/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"Historic New England is pleased to offer conference scholarships to the 2024 Historic New England Summit on November 14 and 15 in Portland, Maine..."Posted:5/20/2024Source:Historic New England
"Legislation was recently introduced in the Michigan House that would significantly improve and expand their state Historic Tax Credit..."Posted:5/17/2024Source:Preservation Action
"Each year the Boston Preservation Alliance presents the Preservation Achievement Awards to recognize a group of exemplary historic preservation projects or activities in Boston. The Alliance honors outstanding preservation projects of all scales, representing all time periods, including the 20th-century..."Posted:5/17/2024Source:Boston Preservation Alliance
"The report notes that housing price increases have outpaced wage growth over the last 20 years, but that economic development tools, including incentives like the Historic Tax Credit, offer important ways to increase housing supply..."Posted:5/10/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"The appropriations process is getting underway in Congress which will determine funding levels for historic preservation priorities for the next fiscal year. We need your help! FY24 Dear Colleague letters in support of the Historic Preservation Fund are currently circulating in the House and Senate..."Posted:5/8/2024Source:Preservation Action
Historic place-savers pour their time, energy, resources (and sometimes a great deal of sweat and tears) into protecting places they care about. The Preservation Month theme is “People Saving Places” to shine the spotlight on everyone doing the work of saving places—in big ways and small. Visit the National Trust for Historic Preservation for resources and social media visuals to help you celebrate this May!Posted:5/7/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"The Landmark Society Awards Committee has extended the deadline and will be accepting nominations for the 2024 Preservation Awards program through May 15th, 2024. Each fall, The Landmark Society presents awards to projects, individuals, and organizations who, through their dedication and hard work, have contributed to historic preservation in our nine-county area..."Posted:5/6/2024Source:Landmark Society of Western New York
"Today, we unveil the 37th annual list of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places. This list spotlights the threats facing significant sites of American history each year. It continues to be a powerful, galvanizing tool for historic preservation that has highlighted over 350 places to date and has been so successful in rallying support that just a handful have been lost..."Posted:5/2/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"We are currently seeking nominations for the Historic Pittsford Preservation Achievement Awards. Nominations are due May 15, 2024. The awards recognize individuals, groups, or organizations that have made outstanding efforts that support Historic Pittsford’s mission and made a significant contribution to historic preservation. Historic Pittsford provides leadership, advocacy and education to preserve Pittsford’s diverse historic resources..."Posted:5/1/2024Source:Historic Pittsford
"Radle, who has been involved in the development and construction fields for over 15 years, is the executive director of Preservation Buffalo Niagara, the region's leading organization focused on preserving and maintaining Buffalo's stock of old and historic buildings..."Posted:4/30/2024Source:Jonathan D. Epstein, The Buffalo News
"The NYSCA/GHHN Conservation Grant Program: Preservation Supplies and Site Assessment is a partnership of the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and Greater Hudson Heritage Network (GHHN) that provides funds to purchase collection management supplies and support for half-day museum site assessments for museums, historical, and cultural organizations in New York State. The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation has provided additional dedicated support for projects from Long Island and New York City..."Posted:4/26/2024Source:Greater Hudson Heritage Network
"American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation announced that applications are open for the fourth installment of the “Backing Historic Small Restaurants Program.” This year, the program will award double the number of grants, with the total amount of grant funding increasing to $2.5 million from $1 million. Fifty U.S. historic small restaurants will receive $50,000 each, up from 25 restaurants in years past. The grant program is funded by American Express and administered by the National Trust for Historic Preservation..."Posted:4/21/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"A bill introduced in the Kentucky House of Representatives would allow the recipient of a transferred state historic tax credit (HTC) to carry the excess credit forward seven years. H.B. 699 would allow a taxpayer to either receive a refund or carry forward the excess for HTC applications received after April 30, 2023..."Posted:4/9/2024Source:Novogradac
"This week President Biden released his administration's FY25 budget request, laying out their priorities for the year ahead. The request isn't binding, but can serve as a marker to kick-off debates on spending levels. This includes specific funding requests for the Department of Interior and the National Park Service..."Posted:4/9/2024Source:Preservation Action
"Two recently released reports highlight the success of the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) and the continued economic impact..."Posted:4/5/2024Source:Preservation Action
"The Historic Districts Council (HDC) is pleased to announce its Six to Celebrate, our annual listing of historic New York City neighborhoods that merit preservation attention..."Posted:4/3/2024Source:Historic Districts Council (HDC)
"As the Georgia General Assembly eyes the extension and expansion of the state's historic rehabilitation tax credit program, advocates stress the urgency and benefits of legislative action. HB1116, the proposed bill, aims to extend the program through 2035 and double its funding cap, a move heralded by preservationists statewide..."Posted:4/1/2024Source:Muhammad Jawad, BNN
"The National Park Service certified historic rehabilitation projects in fiscal year 2022 totaling $7.3 billion of private investments as part of the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program, contributing more than $13.7 billion of output in goods and services to the United States economy, generating approximately 122,000 jobs, and adding an overall $7 billion in gross domestic product (GDP)..."Posted:3/29/2024Source:National Park Service
"The Landmark Society Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Preservation Awards program. Each fall, The Landmark Society presents awards to projects, individuals, and organizations who, through their dedication and hard work, have contributed to historic preservation in our nine-county area..."Posted:3/29/2024Source:The Landmark Society of Western New York
"The NY Statewide Preservation Conference is returning to Rochester, and Early Bird Registration is now open (through March 14th)! We can’t wait to see you in the Flower City, April 15-17, 2024, for three days of exploration, conversation, and education..."Posted:3/28/2024Source:The Landmark Society of Western New York
"An investigation of any grants database using the search terms “historic preservation” or “cultural resources” will yield minimal results. During times of economic hardship, and the resulting narrowing of priorities for funders, results may be downright nonexistent. Learn how to evaluate a cultural resource project for its value in serving broader community needs..."Posted:3/27/2024Source:National Preservation Institute
"Sacred Places Indiana (SPI) awarded over $2 million in grants to help seven historic churches and congregations in Indiana to address repair needs with their buildings..."Posted:3/26/2024Source:Indianapolis Recorder
"The Preservation League of New York State is thrilled to be starting its 50th Anniversary year with a brand-new grant opportunity for New York nonprofits. Organizations with an ownership interest in, or a long-term lease of, a historic property requiring preservation, restoration, or rehabilitation, are invited to apply for the inaugural year of funding for the League’s new capital grant program..."Posted:3/22/2024Source:Preservation League of NYS
"The National Park Service today awarded $5 million to eight projects in six states as part of the Historic Preservation Fund‘sHistory of Equal Rights grant program, which focuses on the preservation of sites directly associated with the struggle for all Americans to gain equal rights..."Posted:3/21/2024Source:National Park Service
"Are you part of the preservation community and want to develop your leadership skills and expand your professional impact? Apply for the Harrison Goodall Preservation Fellowship..."Posted:3/20/2024Source:The Campaign for Historic Trades
"The National Park Service issued two reports highlighting the successes of the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program this week..."Posted:3/20/2024Source:Preservation Maryland
"The Society of Architectural Historians is pleased to announce the launch of our new website at The updated website, the first major site redesign since 2012, features a more modern design that meets web standards and provides an improved user experience..."Posted:3/20/2024Source:Society of Architectural Historians (SAH)
"Are you a highly skilled historic preservationist with National Register knowledge and experience? The Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) is seeking a Historic Preservation Specialist to work as a National Register reviewer, focused on assisting the public with determinations of eligibility and National Register nominations. Join us in preserving the treasured history of Pennsylvania..."Posted:3/19/2024Source:Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office
"Now in its fourth year, American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation are doubling the number of Backing Historic Small Restaurants grant awardees to 50 small or independently owned restaurants across the country. Each restaurant—all places that contribute to their neighborhood's unique history and identity—will receive $50,000 in funding to help them improve their businesses and positively impact their communities..."Posted:3/18/2024Source:National Trust for Historic Preservation
"Legislation introduced in the Georgia House of Representatives would increase the cap and extend the deadline for the state historic tax credit (HTC), while expanding eligibility for the state’s residential HTC..."Posted:3/17/2024Source:Novogradac
"Are you, or do you know of, a student interested in the preservation, enhancement, and sustainable use of our nation’s diverse historic resources? The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) in Washington, D.C. is offering summer internship opportunities. A small, independent federal agency, the ACHP oversees the historic preservation review process for federal projects and manages a variety of preservation programs dealing with national preservation policy and legislation..."Posted:3/14/2024Source:Judy Rodenstein, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)
"The Preservation Alliance of West Virginia (PAWV) announces the opening of its application period for its Fund for Historic Schools Grant to fund pre-development, development, and architect/engineer costs for the preservation of certified historic school buildings..."Posted:3/13/2024Source:Mountain Media, LLC
"Adopt-A-Landmark grants valued at more than $8 million will help restore more than a dozen historic buildings citywide, including former banks in Austin and the Near West Side, a pair of performance venues in Uptown, and a former brewery-tied house in Englewood, Mayor Brandon Johnson announced today..."Posted:3/11/2024Source:City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development
"Governor Phil Scott, the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation (VDHP) and the Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation today announced grants totaling $319,090 to 19 municipalities and non-profit organizations in six counties to facilitate the restoration and rehabilitation of Vermont landmarks and important historic buildings and structures..."Posted:3/10/2024Source:State of Vermont, Office of the Governor
"Brent Leggs, a senior vice president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, is working to protect the legacy of 20th-century Black modernists..."Posted:3/8/2024Source:Architectural Digest
"Governor Wes Moore today announced that the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture and the Maryland Historical Trust have awarded 24 African American Heritage Preservation Program grants totaling $5,000,000 to Maryland nonprofit groups for FY 2024. The grants will offer assistance to organizations and private citizens in their sponsorship of projects involving the acquisition, construction, or improvement of sites related to African American heritage..."Posted:3/8/2024Source:The Office of Governor Wes Moore
"Essex Heritage, in keeping with its long tradition of supporting the Essex National Heritage Area’s unique cultural heritage and providing opportunities for local youth, announces its 2024 “Future Leaders” Youth Jobs Internship Funding Program..."Posted:3/7/2024Source:Essex Heritage
"The Historic Religious Properties Grant program of our organization has awarded a total of $100,000 in matching grants and a technical assistance award to 16 congregations in Allegheny County as part of our 2024 funding cycle..."Posted:3/7/2024Source:Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation
"The main purposes of the position are to manage the Maryland Historical Trust’s (MHT’s) Historic Preservation Capital Grant and Capital Loan Programs; to directly administer grants and loans, and provide technical assistance to funding recipients, under the Capital Grant Program, Capital Loan Program, and the African American Heritage Preservation Program (AAHPP); and to provide technical assistance and information to the public and to local and state agencies for these programs. The position directly supports the Agency mission to enhance Maryland’s historic sites and traditions and preserve Maryland’s heritage resources..."Posted:3/7/2024Source:Maryland Historical Trust
"The Restoration Project Manager position (Historic Preservation Tax Credit Reviewer) is primarily responsible for working with applicants seeking state and federal historic preservation tax credits for qualifying projects..."Posted:3/7/2024Source:Kentucky Heritage Council
"Across the country state legislatures are getting underway, including several that are considering bills that would establish new or expand existing state historic tax credit programs. In Illinois, legislation (S.B 2880) was recently introduced to increase the cap on their historic tax credit from $15 million to $75 million..."Posted:3/7/2024Source:Preservation Action
"From rowhomes in Baltimore to tobacco barns in Southern Maryland, the survival of historic buildings depends on training the next generation of masons, carpenters, and roofers..."Posted:3/6/2024Source:WYPR Morning Edition
"Legislation in the West Virginia House of Representatives would create a 25% tax credit for the replacement of historic facades. H.B. 4507 would create a credit applying to the cost of replacing a façade of a building with no historic value in a historic district with a façade that complements the historic facades in the district..."Posted:3/5/2024Source:Novogradac
"Legislation was recently introduced in New Hampshire to establish a state historic tax credit for housing. SB 364 would provide a 65% credit against three state business taxes with a $10 million annual cap. The bill would also make a $15 million appropriation in the InvestNH Fund to support affordable housing..."Posted:3/4/2024Source:Preservation Action
"U.S. Senator Angus King (I-ME) is joining bipartisan legislation to expand affordable housing availability in Maine through redevelopment incentives of historic buildings. The Historic Tax Credit Growth & Opportunity (HTC-GO) Act would create a new 30 percent tax credit for qualified rehabilitation projects that cost less than $3.75 million while maintaining the existing 20 percent credit..."Posted:3/1/2024Source:Office of U.S. Senator Angus King (I-ME)
"Each year, Preservation Massachusetts celebrates the individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to preserving the Commonwealth’s historic resources. Awardees represent the highest commitment to preservation work across the Commonwealth, and are recognized across six different award categories..."Posted:2/22/2024Source:Preservation Massachusetts
"Advancing its ongoing commitment to ensuring a stable and healthy cultural industry, the New Jersey Cultural Trust Board approved a total of $798,395 in grants supporting capital projects at 21 nonprofit cultural organizations during an open public meeting held virtually Dec. 15..."Posted:2/21/2024Source:ROI-NJ Staff (New Jersey)
"Last week, the Main Street Historic Tourism and Revitalization Act (SB 1166, HB 1183) was reintroduced in the Florida state House and state Senate. This bill would establish a 20% state historic tax credit toward qualified rehabilitation expenses with an additional 10% credit available for projects in the accredited Main Street Program..."Posted:2/16/2024Source:Preservation Action
The National Preservation Institute is excited to announce the in-person seminars scheduled for 2024! Pre-registration now open! Register at Preservation Institute
"We are accepting applications for our summer 2024 field school in Italy. Our deadline for applications is March 15, 2024. Now in its 25th year, with alumni from over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, SGPS is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage. We offer students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy where they acquire hands-on experience in restoration and conservation."Posted:2/14/2024Source:San Gemini Preservation Studies
"Nearly $700,000 in Adirondack Rural Revitalization Program (ARRP) grants will be dished out to 11 projects in eight New York counties, most of which are in the North Country..."Posted:2/8/2024Source:Press-Republican
"History Colorado’s State Historical Fund has awarded $5,085,026 to 38 historic preservation projects across the Centennial State. Included among these grants are 15 which directly benefit Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and amount to a more than $3 million investment to preserve the historic sites that are crucial to understanding a more complete history of Colorado..."Posted:2/8/2024Source:History Colorado
For access to the over 8,000 programs listed in the comprehensive funding database on, please consider a monthly or yearly membership.