Professional Services – Listing Information

Interested in listing your business or service in the Professional Services Directory? Please read below to learn more about listing with us – if you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact us and we'll be happy to help!

Types of Ads:

Basic Ad:

  • Includes: Business / Service Name, Address, Phone, Email, Website URL.
  • Cost: $95.00 for 1 year (365 days).
Enhanced Ad:
  • Includes: Business / Service Name, Address, Phone, Email, Website URL, plus Full Color Logo or Photo, and Full Page Description of Services / Mission Statement.
  • Cost: $185.00 for 1 year (365 days).

How to Submit Ad Information:

Please use the online form to submit all of your ad information. For Enhanced Ads, Logo/Photo and business description can be uploaded through the form. Once submitted, the ad will be automatically created and will appear on the website instantly. Note: you can always send additional edits or request assistance after your information has been submitted and staff will be happy to help!

Benefits of Advertising on

  • Free membership to while your ad is active!
    When you purchase a business ad on, you are automatically granted access to the membership-required funding database (including over 10,000 funding programs across the United States). Your membership will remain active as long as your business ad is active. An $85 value!
  • Be seen by your target audience – the historic and cultural resource management community!
    Visitors to include: historic homeowners, historic and cultural resource management professionals, historical society staff and members, downtown and main street revitalization staff, non-profit organizations, government agency staff.
  • Provide critical support to this national preservation resource! is funded entirely by membership fees and advertising fees. Your support allows us to provide funding resources (information on grants, loans, tax incentives, rebate programs, scholarships, internships/fellowships, apprenticeships, and residencies) to thousands of historic homeowners, non-profit organizations, community and government agencies and preservation professionals.

Ready to List Your Business or Service?

Click the button below to submit your information and be included in the Professional Services Directory.

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Ready to List Your Business or Service?

Click here to submit your information using our quick and easy-to-use form.
Questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions and requests for additional information.